Chocolate-Hazelnut-Espresso Ice Cream


And another ice cream treat…We now have a freezer full of ice cream. Ice cream party anyone?

Chocolate-Hazelnut-Espresso Ice Cream
1 can coconut milk (1 1/2 cups)
1/2 cup boiling water
1/3 cup strong brewed (decaf) espresso
1 scant cup sugar
1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
pinch of salt
1 teaspoon whiskey (or rum)
1/2 cup hazelnuts

Heat the coconut milk, water, and espresso over medium-high heat until it reaches a low boil. Turn heat down and slowly whisk in the cocoa powder and then the sugar and salt. Whisk over low heat until completely smooth. Remove from heat and add the whiskey. Chill completely.

While the mixture is cooling, toast the hazelnuts. They should be slightly browned and fragrant. When toasted, rub the hazelnuts together in your hand until the skin is removed. Don’t worry if some of the skin remains. Chop hazelnuts.

When ice cream mixture is completely cool, add hazelnuts and freeze in an ice cream maker.

About Salts Kitchen

I write. I eat. And I cook. I write about what I cook and eat. I love finding new foods, being inspired to make something I've never made, and most of all I love feeding other people things that they have never tried before. I like disproving myths about food and what it means to eat well, to eat healthy, often on a budget, and for some of us- to eat with a bunch of food allergies (and still eat well!).
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2 Responses to Chocolate-Hazelnut-Espresso Ice Cream

  1. Rachel says:

    Holy (no)cow – yes pleeeeease! This sounds mmmmmmsome!

  2. Pingback: Week in Review: Ice Cream, Corgi Music Video, and The Pixar Theory | Green Door Hospitality

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