Nectarine, Brown sugar, and Toasted Almond Ice Cream

ice cream The past couple of months have been insane. I mean the kind of overwhelming that makes you take a deep breath, look down to make sure your feet are still on the ground, and double-check that you’re even still yourself (even if you don’t feel remotely like it).

Comfort food anyone? With several nectarines and peaches in the fridge getting too soft, a can of coconut milk, and a handful of almonds, I had pretty much everything in the house to make an ice cream treat. So I did. I like my ice cream a little icy, if you like yours creamier, this works well with coconut cream instead of the coconut milk (found in Asian grocery stores).

Nectarine, Brown Sugar, and Salted Almond Ice Cream

2 cups nectarines (approximately 3 large nectarines or 5 small peaches)
1 can coconut milk
1/3 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup almond milk
2 egg yolks
3 teaspoons lemon juice
1/4 cup raw almonds, chopped
1/2 teaspoon salt

Remove pit from nectarines and chop or tear fruit into large chunks. Do not worry about peeling the skin.

In a saucepan, heat the coconut milk and the brown sugar over medium heat. Stir until the sugar is melted and milk comes to a low boil. While the coconut milk is heating, beat the 2 yolks with the almond milk. Add about 1/4 of the coconut milk a teaspoon at a time into the heated egg mixture. This will prevent the eggs from scrambling. Now add the egg mixture into the saucepan with the remainder of the coconut milk. Add the nectarines.

Blend the fruit and milk mixture with a blender (handheld if you have one). Remove from heat and chill completely. While mixture is cooling, heat a skillet over medium heat and add chopped almonds and salt. Mix until the almonds are toasted.

When the milk and fruit mixture is cool, add the lemon juice and the toasted almonds with just the salt that has stuck to them, throw remaining salt away. Put mixture in ice cream maker and freeze according to instructions.

About Salts Kitchen

I write. I eat. And I cook. I write about what I cook and eat. I love finding new foods, being inspired to make something I've never made, and most of all I love feeding other people things that they have never tried before. I like disproving myths about food and what it means to eat well, to eat healthy, often on a budget, and for some of us- to eat with a bunch of food allergies (and still eat well!).
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1 Response to Nectarine, Brown sugar, and Toasted Almond Ice Cream

  1. This looks so delicious, I can hardly stand it! And boy, did you ever capture that universal feeling in a few brushstokes; the feeling that requires a treat.

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